I guess I should have started earlier in the year when I hadn't yet done anything but I'm starting today instead.

So number one thing is 4 courgette plants that I planted yesterday in the bathroom. In the bathroom because that is where the most space is.
I'm planting both my summer squashes and winter squashes inside and will plant out when they are established.
I'm doing them in sets of 4 because I only have three domes to keep them covered for the first week or two when they go outside. These seeds should have been planted last year so I expect that they will not all be a success.

The whole plot used to be grassy and weedy like this but I've been putting in raised beds and they have made a world of difference. So much easier to work with.

I can't really take any credit for this rhubarb, it just grows by itself. But it's looking especially good just now and I brought some home to make a crumble with tonight.

These Broad Beans are the only plants that are showing much so far. They are growing in the new raised bed kit that I built up this year.
They grew last year in the first raised bed that I put in, and did really well, it was the best crop I have ever had. In order to manage my crop rotation system I'm putting Broad Beans in each years new bed and they'll be followed round by the crops based on the order that I built the beds. So this one will have radishes and beetroots next year because that's what I'll be planting in the other bed this year. These are growing in my home made compost. I didn't sieve it though so it has got a few lumps in it and some of the compostable bags that I use have not quite composted yet. A peach pit and an avocado stone have also been spotted.

This is a before and after shot of what I did today. The Broad Beans are to the right of the picture and I planted nasturtiums to the left. They are best pals as the black fly that attack the Broad Beans prefer the nasturtiums.
Bees love the nasturtiums too and I love listening to the sound of them droning away on a summers day. When I was digging and clearing this today I removed some planks that were at the side and found a poor frog or toad squashed between two planks. I think it might be my fault and I feel a bit sick about it. It looked pretty freshly squashed and when I moved the planks lots of flies appeared. Poor thing!
Here you can see the offending planks at the back and this section to the left before I dug and weeded it today.
To the right is going to be my bean patch. Sweet Peas planted so far and no sign of them yet. I'm going to plant dwarf green beans and borlotti beans here too. I'll nee to put in some netting for them to cling to.

Radishes. They are just starting to show. This whole bed wont just be full of radishes. I'll be planting beetroot in one side and radishes in the other half once it's time for the beetroot to go in. I've got more radishes to plant still because I didn't want loads and loads of them all to be ready at the same time.
The radishes are in the bed at the front in this picture.
The middle bed has purple sprouting broccoli planted to the right of the cane and Brussels sprouts went in today to the left of the cane. I'll need to put some netting over this because last time I tried to grow either of these crops the pesky birds ate the all.
The back bed in this picture is potatoes (Charlotte)
Potatoes!! In the stupid big raised bed. Our allotment zealot built this for me while I was on holiday last year. He had offered to put in some paths for me which was great and has been really helpful but he also took it upon himself to build this for me. It's too big, I have to climb in to it to dig it which does defeat the purpose of a raised bed to some extent.
He also took it upon himself to plant seeds in my plot last year. Anyway, I'm probably going to pull this down next year and he seems to have moved on to 'helping' my new neighbour.
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