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Tuesday 8 March 2011


I forgot to say that I've been thinking about potential alternatives to 'Renegade Links'.

A synonym of 'renegade' would be 'maverick'.  With some contorsion of 'maverick' and 'link' we form the new compound word 'maverlink'.  

The definition could be as follows:

MAVERLINK (mav-er-link) n. A link which does not fit into any pre-existing designation, a connection between two digital portals pertaining to a unique ideology or view.

If minimalism has taught us anything it's the maxim 'less is more' and with this in mind surely 'maverlinks' is more compact, more modern, more punchy, than a cumbersome two word heading.


Do you think he knows how funny he is? I can't decide if some of it is purely accidental.

I'd like to introduce you to our temporary IT man who is currently developing our internal and external websites. He's a strange man who never really talks to anyone. I've been making an effort to interact with him but have found conversation neigh on impossible. I tried talking about Lord if the Rings computer games. Music - he categorises his alphabetically because HE has too many cds and wouldn't be able to find them otherwise. 

anyway I have resorted to asking him if he has nicknames when e-mailling him work stuff - to make him feel accepted. 

This e-mail exchange today actually made me laugh out loud. 


Does anyone call you Dazza?
> I have attached some stuff for the referrals section of the internal 
> website.
> Catriona
Thank you very much indeed for sending me these links.  I can only express my gratitude in the strongest of terms and I will get to work making them available to all with enthusiasm, even vim.
Re: "Dazza". No one applies that particular cognomen to me, a circumstance, I have to say, that I am not entirely unhappy with.  I do sometimes encourage "Dar" but only with intimates, soul mates, cosmic twins and star crossed lovers.

Strangely, I've found that since I started working on this intranet project I've become irresistible to women but, hey, that's the LINKS EFFECT.

