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Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Long Weekend

I had lots of exciting and wonderful plans for the Easter long weekend. Then I woke up with a headache on Friday morning - and then was sick - and the headache didn't go away until late Monday afternoon.

Friday I wanted to spend allotmenting then was going to dine at Pinxto on Dumbarton Road then go see Alice in wonderland in 3d at the IMAX with other ex-nightshift peoples - Nightshift in Imaxland or The Kofi-Club Convention we were calling it.

I had to cancel because of stupid speweyness.

Friday night late my cousin Kiki arrived from London so we could go to the Hinterland music festival - I'd been really looking forward to it but was most excited about DJs especially Coolly G. I couldn't stay awake that long but was still able to enjoy some bands and did have a nice day and it was cheap as I was alcohol free. Best bands for me were Panda Su and Jeffery Lewis. Top highlight being Jeffery Lewis's Gangster Mosquito killer rap. Fast talking more than rapping I suppose but it was rather impressive all the same.

Check it out here:

Sunday was supposed to be mine, Lynne and Claire's last ever Optimo as there are only four more to go. I met them at Stereo for Pecan pie and juice and got cds of the Berlin photos so I can write a Belated Berlin blog now that I can illustrate it.

The queue for Optimo was so long there was no way anyone was getting in - but it was nice to see the Macmillans regardless. Sad that we didn't get an official last Optimo though.

Monday I went to my allotment to plant my potatoes and lo and behold they were already planted by allotment fairies. It's really nice to have someone giving me a hand and much appreciated but when someone else is deciding what goes where it's difficult. I feel that I'm trespassing on my own plot now. I hope to see him next time I'm up so I can pay for the new path and also see what he's been doing. I don't want to be planting stuff and then have him dig it up because he thinks that he's being helpful.

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