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Friday, 22 January 2010

Art and pretention

Ina and his Hag (that's me) went to an exhibition opening in the Tramway yesterday evening.

We didn't dig the art too much, One was a woman you made collages that as Ina said children he'd worked with at the royal blind school had made more visually arresting pieces. There was one photo of a building which we both kinda liked and one that from far away we thought was a woman shouting through the wrong end of a megaphone to her partner, We thought that symbolised that she felt that he didn't listen to her. On closer inspection the megaphone was a random triangle randomly behind them - stupid.

Sometimes when you read the blurb, work that you didn't initially think was pretty can turn out to be really interesting, this blurb read like someone desperate to think up something to say about the work that, frankly I'd be embarrassed to put a frame round had I made it myself.

Exhibit two was a film about the guy who invented(?) Delorean cars, Mr Delorean, we watched a tiny bit of it, from the back so we couldn't hear properly and say Northern Irish men with porn taches boring us to tears.

Despite the poor quality of the art work on display the evening was not all at a loss four free glasses of cava, for a start and a montage of bad hair to slag off made for a very fun evening.

Also, when did ridiculously oversized glasses become a 'movement' one girl looked like the love interest from 'The Secret of my Success' seriously huge glasses, like Deirdre form Corrie.

Also everyone looked like they should be called Tarquin or Octavia, or at least wanted to be called that but were in fact sam, paul and elsie from the gorbals.

As we were by far the best looking people in the room, natch! we thought we play along and air kissing and darlings! spouted forth from betwixt our lips, as did choice comments (memorised from the artists blurbs) about the role of women in the preceding decades when people walked past.

This did backfire somewhat when a woman asked if she could record our comments for a radio show and we pretended to be too modest, this wasn't helped by Ina declaring that I would be fabulous at it as I have so many insightful and interesting things to say.

I don't think the comments they were looking for were "that guy looks like an ugly Rupert Everett with awful teeth"

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