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Thursday, 16 April 2020

The Studio

We are calling our second bedroom the studio. Lyle's hi-tech computer system and all his instruments are in here but it also has a sofa bed in for overnight guests and so I can go in and visit.

It's probably the room we will be last to do anything else to. The wallpaper is silver and I hated it when we moved in but it's grown on me. I think, like the other rooms we've just softened it with our furniture.

So here's a before and after photoshoot. I should have put the lights on before taking my photos.

Friday, 3 April 2020

How things are looking now living room

We've reached the stage that without tradesmen or significant savings we can't do anymore to the house.  And we can't get tradesmen in due to the lock down.

We've put our furniture in and some art work, plants etc and it looks much different from how it did when we came to view it. 

Here's  photos of the living room from the sales listing for the house and now for comparison.