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Wednesday, 27 June 2018


I've had no luck with radishes for the last few years. This year they are doing well. I'm sure it's a soil issue, it's better in some beds than others. Coir blocks are definitely a great thing to grow in. 

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Spinach and Strawberries

Proper ' grown up' spinach. I've had some baby leaves before but never had it grown to this stage. I don't know if there will ever be enough to make something cooked with spinach cause it's such a lier and shrinks so much.

There were also my first ripe strawberries of the year  so I ate them after I had my lunchtime sandwich.

Sunday, 3 June 2018


We've had some much needed rain and now the plot has sprung into life. Unusually it seems like about half and half veg plants and weeds. An artichoke I thought was going to amount to nothing has a leaf all my seeds seem to have germinated and apparently slugs don't like Brussel  sprouts so they have survived even if the Savoy cabbage I planted at the same time haven't. I read a while back that slugs love oatbran but can't digest it so they die and if eaten the slugs are not harmful to other animals unlike with pellets. As it's just raines the slugs are out and about and I've put some bran down. The slugs are definitely attracted to it.