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Thursday, 25 July 2013


With home grown pink fir apple potatoes

Home grown broad beans and beetroot

In a salad with avocado, onion and leaves.

Monday, 22 July 2013

More radish and some helpful advice

A couple of my potato plants don't look well. I posted a photo on facebook and the hive wisdom says lack of water. I am pleased that it's not something that will spread to other tubers.

I picked some more nice crunchy radishes. They seem to be ready in groups of five.

Saturday, 20 July 2013


I got a new phone so this is the first time I've been able to blog live from my plot. It's too hot for hard work but i'm sitting in what passes for shade on my plot and listening to Ella Fitzgerald.

It's also my first day of harvesting broad beans. It's a lovely job sitting in sun shelling beans. This already beats the sum total of last year's bean harvest.

Tonight we'll be eating primavera minestrone and tomorrow paella as it's a favourite in our household. Beans will be rashioned out between the two.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Second crop of radish and some beetroot i had to thin out.

I'm gonna need to make an effort to water more often in this heat. We've not  had weather like this since i worked shifts and it was easier to find time for the plot. Went mid week as well as weekend last week but i'm going to up the frequency to every other day. I'll save adding dried fertilizer till the weekend watering though.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

So far, so good

The summer was slow to start this year but now it's here it looks like it will be a good harvest. I'm already on second planting of radishes. I've been more proactive against slugs and snails and so far they've only been eating the squashes.